Fruits and Veggies

Organically grown without the use of chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, or any other harmful sprays.

Organic Kiwi - 3 Piece

Set Donation Amount

Red Cabbage

Set Donation Amount

Fresh greens - Arugula

Set Donation Amount

Potatoes Lehigh Gold - 5 Lb.

Set Donation Amount

Potatoes Lehigh Gold - 2 Lb.

Set Donation Amount

IPM Apples - Pink Lady

Set Donation Amount

IPM Apples - Honeycrisp

Set Donation Amount

IPM Apples - Gala

Set Donation Amount

IPM Apples Fuji

Set Donation Amount

Red Onions - 2 Lb.

Set Donation Amount

Red Onions - 5 Lb.

Set Donation Amount

Candy Onions - Sweet 2 Lb.

Set Donation Amount

Candy Onions - Sweet 5 Lb.

Set Donation Amount

Winter Radishes - 1 Lb. Bag

Set Donation Amount

Orange Carrots - 1 Lb.

Set Donation Amount

Red Beets - 1 Lb.

Set Donation Amount

Produce Variety Box

Set Donation Amount

Turmeric (1/2 Lb.)

Set Donation Amount

Ginger - Peru (1 Lb.)

Set Donation Amount

Delicata Squash

Set Donation Amount

Frozen Corn - 1 Pint

Set Donation Amount

Frozen Broccoli (Pint)

Set Donation Amount

Frozen Strawberries (Pint)

Set Donation Amount

Popcorn Yellow (loose)

Set Donation Amount

Popcorn Yellow (on the cob)

Set Donation Amount

Strong Heart Herbal tea

Set Donation Amount