Common Questions

General Questions:

Q: I want to purchase XYZ. How much does it cost to purchase XYZ?

A: Harmony Acres does not sell food or products to either members or the public. As a ministry we do not have income, nor do we collect profit. We accept donations. Donations aid us in furthering ministerial outreach and cover the labor costs of members laboring together for the LORD. We invite people to become contributing members of the Ministry.

Q: Can I set up a recurring order?

A: Yes. As a member you may subscribe to a recurring order within your cart.

Questions about ordering from Pick-Up Sites:

Q: How do I know where to pick up my food, there is no address on the website?

A: We will send you an email with the actual address once the order is delivered.

Q: How will my order be packed?

A: It will be packed in a bag, labeled with your name within an ice chest.

Q: Where will I find the ice chest with my order in it?

A: The ice chest is normally beside a driveway or in front of a garage at the host's address.

Food Questions:

Q: How long does milk last?

A: The time that milk remains fresh can vary. Depending on the time of year, milk can naturally sour much quicker. We generally see that milk lasts 2 weeks when in cold refrigeration. We would say that heavy cream can be as long and sometimes longer. If you were to ask some of our members, they would state that the shelf life is indefinite. This is due to the fact that they prefer dairy products naturally soured and fermented, oftentimes left at room temperature. Many say that they notice improvements in health and digestion by consuming dairy like this with naturally occurring microbes intact and proteins/sugars predigested.

Q: What can I do if cream goes sour?

A: The Weston A Price foundation did a great write up on this here: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/food-features/learning-to-maximize-the-use-of-your-real-milk-and-cream/

Contract & Membership:

Q: POINT 17: In the Ministry membership form does it really say, “I insist and demand that my food... 3) preferably contain microbes...”? Is this a typo??

A: This statement is valid. It is a clear demarcation that counters and opposes third-party food regulations. This statement usurps responsibility from such groups and places it directly upon the prospective member seeking foods. By stating and agreeing to such, you take the microbial world into your own hands, as we feel that all individuals already do. Third-party food safety regulations do not apply to private Ministry members. That said, the quality of food which our Ministry produces is of the absolute highest. See our standards page here.

Q: What is the benefit of becoming a member? Can I still buy food without becoming a member?

A: You gain access to all the foods we have to offer along with farm news and updates. You will not be able to attain food without becoming a member.

Q: How long is my membership good for?

A: For the lifetime of the Harmony Acres Ministry Association.