Our raw sour cream begins with nutrient rich raw cream from 100% grass fed Jersey cattle. We culture it and then deliver it to members nationwide.
Sour Cream. In the general marketplace we rely on it to taste the same every single time. Achieving the same taste in a food isn't difficult when we start with a nutrient-deficient and therefore flavor-deficient base ingredient. The standardized additives thrown in assure that we'll attain our desired flavor profile endlessly and forever. People consuming this food develop a habitual taste preference. Deviate from this preference, and something appears grievously amiss.
Our raw sour cream is rich in a changing diversity of flavors because our base ingredient is rich in a changing diversity of nutrients. It's a simple spice-of-life equation and testament to God's wondrous food producing systems. As cultivators of the earth, we work in harmony with the seasons and the animals, adding our caring touch to guide the processes of production. The end result is a diverse flavor profile generated from an interplay of natural forces which contribute to the growth and development of healthy animals living in harmony with the land. We are grateful to be stewards of these processes.
This doesn't mean that we eschew automation or improved technological means when we discover how such innovations can help us work with the preexisting harmony of systems without disrupting them. We embrace such discoveries. If however they are in opposition to these systems, or exploitive with an aim to uphold quantity over quality, they are not for us.
Our raw sour cream begins with nutrient rich raw cream from 100% grass fed Jersey cattle. We culture it and then deliver it to members nationwide. The rich nutritional flavor can be enjoyed as is or it can be added to any of your favorite or experimental recipes. Food is a gift from the Creator that nourishes us and grants us strength for the eternal path ahead. May we use it wisely as we work in loving service to God and to our neighbor, no matter the resources we have been allotted.