What are the cows doing when the grass doesn't grow?

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February 19, 2022

Today I was hoping to share with you a little more on the details of what our beef cattle are doing on the farm in the winter time.

With thick coats of hair they do not seem to mind to be out in the cold as long as it isn't too windy or a wet cold rain.

This picture was taken earlier this week on a cold morning with snow on the ground. With the thick stock pile of grass from last summer they are even able find a little bit to feed on.

It also gives them a comfortable place to lay down and chew there cuds as you can see in the Image below. I think they look very comfortable!


We also feed hay bales out on the pasture through-out the winter month. Never do we feed any grain of any kind to our cattle.

Managing grass and the herd in the summer and spring month like this image from last summer has a huge impact on how well we can manage our herd on the pasture in the winter month.


They do need to take a daily walk to the water trough near the barn in the winter month.


Here we also give them free choice hay daily.


No antibiotics, or growth hormones are ever given to our animals. These cattle are simply fed grass and hay that was not applied with harsh chemicals or harmful fertilizers. 

We focus on letting nature take care of itself and this is when pastures and animals can truly flourish!

Many of the beef items are back in stock!


Thanks so much for reading! Have blessed weekend!

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