Spring Time is Here 🌱 ⛅
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March 25, 2023
Its the wonderful time of year when the earth starts to wake up again! It is call springtime! Praise the Lord for every season!
Along with the change of season, I made my quarterly round of taking pictures of the farm so that you can have a first hand update of what is going on here on our farm.
The chickens are still in their winter shelter and meadow.
Within a few weeks we plan to put them out into the mobile chicken house where they will be exclusively on the pasture.

The pastures are showing a tint of green! This is always so amazing and exciting for farmers who are relying on the grass for their livestock.

The bees are ready to start producing honey again.

Meeting the beef cattle at the top of the hill.

We are still supplementing with grass hay until the grass is growing enough to supply their demand.

A rabbit out exploring!

The latest addition to our farm is a small flock of ducks! This will be a project for me and my family this summer.

I hope you found the pictures interesting. I count it a joy and a privilege to be able to share our farm and the food we produce, with you.
In reality, its is also our duty to be sharing it with you since God ultimately owns everything!
For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. (Colossians 1:16)