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The Amazingness of Grass PART 2

posted on

May 28, 2022

About 5 weeks ago I posted the start of a conversation/research project of grass and where it is coming from.

You can read this in our blog page here in case you missed it.

So one thing for certain that we found in the last 5 weeks is that grass grows and certainly is very Alive!

In this image we see the grass was about 10-13 inches on 04/23/2022.


Three weeks later on 05/14/2022 it was around 32-35 inches!


And finally today, we are looking at grass that is about 45-48 inches! 


Wow! That is a stunning amount of grass in a 5 week period! Approximately, 7 inches per week on average!

Okay, so here is a very important question. Since grass is alive, and it grows where is it getting its life giving substances?

We will explore this question in part 3 of our little research project and think about the biology of the soil and atmosphere.

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