Picture Tour! We just passed the fall equinox...

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September 24, 2022

It's hard to believe it is already the time of year that the weather starts getting cooler.

However, since the summer days have just passed, there is still an overabundance of grass on our 100% grass, 75-acre farm.

It is the time of the year when the crickets are humming and buzzing everywhere, and the trees are just starting the show a tint of their fall colors.

Follow me . . .


Here's a shot of the beef cattle out near the road . . .


I took a walk out this trail where you can see the chicken pen in the distance near the trees . . .


Enjoying a fresh paddock! . . .


Taking a bite from the nutrient rich grass . . .


Nearing the chicken pens . . .


This is where your eggs are coming from, and were coming from, all summer long! . . .


They thoroughly enjoy the abundance of bugs that are available to them this time of year . . .


Here's a shot from the far corner of the pasture . . .


And the hives after we harvested the honey earlier this year . . .


Thank you so much for following along!

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