A visit to the dairy farm

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May 21, 2022

I am assuming this may be an email that you have been waiting on for awhile.

On March 29th I did a spring tour of our Farm and mentioned that in the upcoming weeks I would do a tour of our neighboring dairy farm where we get most of our milk supply.

As it turns out, it was now about two month ago already, (I apologize) but the excuse that I am going to make is that I really wanted to show you what it looks like when the grass is more at its maximum!

So here goes, this is how I found it last Saturday. They where very relaxed and calm and seem happy to seem me!

Here you can see they are enjoying a salad bar of grass.




The grass was about waist high and very thick!


Just a few lines of the protocols we have for the farm and ask him to follow. 

  • We require the cows to be A2A2 tested.
  • No vaccination ever.
  • No Antibiotic ever.
  • 100% grass fed always.
  • High butterfat breed cows (Prefer Jersey or Jersey Cross).
  • No herbicides, pesticides or any harsh chemicals are ever allowed to be applied. 

I asked farmer Sam if he has something he would like to say to you.

He said; His #1 goal is customer satisfaction and if there is something that he should change in his practices, he wants to be aware of it and change to the best of his abilities.

He is very passionate about what he doing and take his responsibility very seriously.

I also toured his bottling facility, and was very happy with the cleanliness of it

Thanks for following along, hope you are having a good day, and stay tuned for the grass emails, it is very exciting what is happening.

Until next time, 

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