On our quest to expand and diversify food flavors, we continue to discover again and again just how essential the quality of base ingredients are. We strive to taste the nutrients, not just to compensate for the lack thereof with concentrated flavor additives.
Will a delicate balance be upset if we import the tropics into the promised land? We put this question to the test when we blended tropical fruit into our Greek Style Yogurt made with raw milk from 100% grass fed Jersey cattle. We then put the question to rest, because we saw just how good it was.
On our quest to expand and diversify food flavors, we continue to discover again and again just how essential the quality of base ingredients are. We strive to taste the nutrients, not just to compensate for the lack thereof with concentrated flavor additives. When ingredients are rich in nutrients, because they were cultivated in harmony with the land, the taste of the final product will always be a testament to that. For those attuned to discern the difference, there's a flavor profile in nutrient-rich food that just can't be mimicked. It's more than a taste, it's an experience, and it subtlety changes from batch to batch and from season to season.
Large scale commercialized food operations work to standardize their flavors, and they often succeed. When your starting point is food devoid of nutrients, it's not difficult to combine synthesized flavor compounds in proportions that achieve the same taste over and over and over again. These additives have no real variation of nutrient profiles to compete with and so unsuspecting consumers become habitually accustomed to a specific flavor in lieu of a diversity of flavors changing with the seasons.
As beings created in the image of God, we have choices. We can heavy-handedly manipulate isolated components of the Creator's design, or we can wisely discern, working as stewards in harmony with His created systems. Either path can embrace empiricism and scientific methodology, but only one, via faith, upholds God as the reason and final destination of our fleeting human experience. At Harmony Acres we look forward to His Promised Land, and nourish ourselves along way.