Yogurt, Greek Style - Maple/Vanilla (1 Quart Glass Jar)

Yogurt, Greek Style - Maple/Vanilla (1 Quart Glass Jar)

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Maple syrup and vanilla, undoubtedly a good combination. When added to raw milk from grass fed Jersey cattle in the form of Greek Yogurt, it's a winning combination

Maple syrup and vanilla, undoubtedly a good combination. When added to raw milk from grass fed Jersey cattle in the form of Greek Yogurt, it's a winning combination. Our Greek Yogurt has that subtly tart flavor in tandem with a thick and pleasant texture that just isn't achieved with regular yogurt.

Even when it comes to a relatively simple food item like Greek Yogurt from grass-fed cattle, our principles of production are always foremost in our minds. We determine and apply these principles by asking the right questions. We look deeply into the "how" in order to align our actions with each stage of the cultivation process so that the outcome is one that nourishes and supports the health of our bodies, our temples, which is the "why" part of the equation. Paramount to this stewardship is the nutritive value of the end product, the "what", which will always and forever (the "when") begin out there upon the inestimable gift of the Creator's earth, a sustainable system which He has laid down to support each and every one of us, beings created to His image, the "Who". And so coming to understand the elegant complexity of His enduring natural processes motivates us into a principled approach, because we are tasked with willfully directing His already established order, even if it's only for a seemingly simple batch of Greek Yogurt.

As we revel in the tasty combination of maple and vanilla, let's see if we can't discover another flavor underlying the others, one that almost borders upon the spiritual, something that might even be considered religious in the truest sense of that word. May we not forget to give reverence to the Most High for our blessed birth into His orderly earth system, a system in which we are granted a brief opportunity to do good and to make a difference in this gift of life that we have been given.


A2A2 Grass-fed Milk, Maple Syrup, Greek Style Yogurt Culture