Raw Cow Milk Colostrum from our 100% Grass-fed Jersey cattle. All of our milk is A2A2!
Colostrum! That concentrated, living superfluid packed with growth factors and immune system enhancing catalysts. Perhaps you've seen it widely advertised as a powdered miracle superfood extravagantly packaged in large containers accompanied with monumental health claims. The only requirement to realizing your greatest vitality possible is, of course, to purchase said powder and begin shoveling down the heaping tablespoons, daily.
This is that proverbial point where we say . . . Don't be fooled!
First, it's likely that such mass produced products were derived from sub par cattle that were not 100% grass fed. The second obvious dilemma that is ofttimes overlooked in a company's desire to amass wealth through shortcuts is that the fluid has now morphed into a powder in order to extend shelf life and widen the window-of-sale to a lucrative year-round bonanza. Clearly, the once microbiologically-rich living superfluid has been denatured through the removal of H2O and thereafter reduced to dust, a pale shadow of its former glory.
Our Raw Colostrum is in its liquid, non-powdered state and comes from some of the healthiest Jersey Cattle in the land as they rotationally graze upon hundreds of acres of diverse nutrient dense grasses in mineral rich soil. They're 100% grass fed for generations. We bottle it the moment it's attained from the newly birthing mama cows and send it to our members within a day. Anything not sent out is immediately frozen and will be sent within a short window of weeks to a month as requests come in - it doesn't last long! Freezing denatures the colostrum slightly, though it is minimal in juxtaposition to any drying processes.