6 Quart Chocolate Milk Pack

6 Quart Chocolate Milk Pack

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Some people love chocolate. Other people love fresh wholesome Raw Milk from 100% grass-fed Jersey cows. Occasionally, you'll meet a special being that loves both chocolate and Raw Milk. For these folks, there's just nothing better than drinking chocolate . . . in the form of chocolate-infused Raw Milk of course!

That's what we've put together for members of Harmony Acres, so now you can get your chocolate on while nourishing yourself and your family, any time of the year.

About our A2 cow dairy

All of our cows are genetically tested and have a 100% A2/A2 protein profile.

Our cow milk is always raw, never heated or processed in any way. It comes straight from the udders to you.

All of our cow dairy is 100% grass fed. In the warmer months, our cows are fed fresh chemical-free grass. They are moved to fully grown, fresh pasture multiple times per day. In the colder months, our cows’ diet is supplemented with alfalfa hay and an organic nutrient blend – never grain of any kind.

Our cows are never given antibiotics or hormones. If needed, our cows receive homeopathic treatments.


100% Grass Fed Raw Milk, Chocolate Powder (Organic Coconut Sugar, Organic Cocoa Powder, Water, Vanilla, (vanilla beans, rum)